Thursday, 31 July 2014

video health blogging for 30 days consecutively

video health blogging  for 30 days consecutively 

So to help my tribe and to help promote myself and gain extra self confidence i am gonna blog about health every day for 30 days.

A great thing to do i think, a PT mentor Dax Moy gave me the idea, so now i am gonna bore my tribe and the general public on youtube every day for 30 days.

First instalment is the top tips for hiring a Personal Trainer

I am talking about what to look for when it comes to looking for a Personal Trainer in the struggle to help you change your shape.  There certainly are some rank amateurs out there so follwing my simple advice will save you some cash and ensure you have the best person looking after you.

enjoy and check out my video.


Glenn (the health geek NE) Hill

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

exercise for breakfast -Personal trainer Durham

20 minutes before breakfast

So we often here that there is no time for exercise and this has always made me laugh, because there are people out there with a similar or harder work and family schedule who smash it.
So it shouldn't be I haven't time, it's more like my health, weight or fitness doesn't mean as much to me as it does to some other(fitter people).

I wrote a blog over a year ago know where I researched and listed the average amount of time spent doing certain activities...

Obviously work came out on top, closely followed by watching tv and that's for the workers, the benefit types tv was the biggest time expense.  However the UK average time spent on Facebook was still over that of the average time spent on exercise, so more time spent showing selfies of yourself than that of doing exercise.

So nobody can tell me that 20 minutes a day of exercise a day is impossible, and if they did I simply wouldn't believe them.


Get out of your pit (bed) and have a coffee or whatever else wakes you up and then do 20 minutes of exercise outside.  A twenty minute interval session and no more, the first ten minutes slow jogging to get warmed up and then short sprints of twenty, thirty second intervals.  This is super hard work, boosts your metabolism for the day and has you burning fat all day.....most importantly you will feel great and be able to achieve more with your day.

Take the 20 minute challenge and start today..

Every challenge so far has had awesome results, so stop making excuses and spend 20 mins a day.

Glenn( fitness geek) hill

"Still got a sore gooch" ask me why lol


Monday, 28 July 2014

novice to professional cyclists in 3 days

novice to professional cyclists in 3 days

novice to professional in 3 days
This blog is all about how quickly the mind and body adapts to any challenge when needs must....

Personal Trainer Glenn Hill joined a team of novices, most of which had only been on a racing bike once or twice and aimed to cycle over 300 miles in 2.5 days.

Our team which comprised of reserve and regular soldiers, a couple of which done some cycling and the other 4 had been on a racing bike 1 or 2 times.  For the Newcastle RVI childrens ward charity the collective cycled over 320 miles from Friday to Sunday.

The route was following small roads from the RVI taking in all the Engineer Para reserve centres Gateshead to Hull to Wakefield and the back to Gateshead.

Day 1

All of the lads were all over the place racing the pace and then going slow, terrible techniques and strung out over about 10 miles going over the Cleveland hills which almost killed the team.  142 miles later and some 12 hours later after so many issues and dramas the first couple of us dribbled into the reserve centre in Hull, then about an hour later the remainder came in with at least one of them looking like a zombie.

After some food, rest and a massage we were ready for day 2.

Day 2

The morning was a bit different the team were sticking together with wheels much closer draughting after each other something similar to the tour de france.  This leg was shorter and much flatter and even though we were putting less effort in we were going faster as a group.  After lunch and dropping off one of the slower team members we blasted past Wakefield and super swiftly almost raced to Borough Bridge which was the end of day 2.

Weirdly less tired and after a great day of smashing along using some group management.

Final Day

We set of riding slowly but much closer together almost as one unit and this meant actually again we were riding much faster than the previous two days.  No one was talking, however everyone had more power, instinctively knowing when to change gear to get the optimum speed when climbing and descending.  The lead riders changed often and dragged along the group it was all much slicker and much much faster and we had only been riding for three days.

Over three torturous days for novice riders our brains and bodies had developed so quickly to ensure everything was easier for us.  We had more time to take in hazards, more time to select the correct gear, our bodies knew when to push and when to coast.

Cheesy as it may seem of the 6 riders that left an entirely different 6 riders finished the route at a much improved speed.  Out of pure necessity our brains and bodies had developed to ensure all movements and actions where happening autonomously(without thinking) which made everything easier.  

A very interesting, demanding and thought provoking journey collecting a couple of thousand for the children's ward.

Glenn(charity) Hill
Done loads for charity this last two years and i love doing it, some people do get fed up of me asking for their cash though lol...

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Doing something different to lose weight

Doing something different to lose weight

Doing something different to lose weight

As a bloke i and a Personal Trainer i don't really want to lose weight as inevitably means losing muscle (Dam).

Recently i have been fortunate enough to have 15 days of just mountain bike leading and coaching.  So generally a couple of hours ish each day of riding up and down hills with a few stops for coaching.

I have been eating more and also have been having deserts, however now i am back i have noticed that my guns (it's what some blokes call their biceps) have shrunk to the size of sparrows knee caps.  Not just that everyone keeps saying my face looks skinnier, not sure how fat my face was before but it is smaller.

I think i have probably lost a stone in fat and lean muscle in around three weeks by just mountain biking.  So three weeks of eating more than i normally do and mountain biking.

I haven't done a lot of mountain biking for over a year due to my Gym,Salon and PT stuff and for this reason my body has been shocked and just ditched the weight rapido in an effort to make the cycling easier.

The cycling is easier now which means i will be burning less fat (using less calories)

So my advice which is always the same DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT and when it gets easy DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.  I lost loads of weight and never wanted too.

By changing up your training often It stops your body adapting to the exercise and using less fuel. "Plateau"

If you would like some advice on doing something different or Personal Training please check out the blogs on my page or phone or text.


I have a great deal at the moment actually a month of loads of help for a knockdown price!!!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

5 tips on how to reduce stress

5 tips on how to reduce stress

Heya tribe
5 tips on how to reduce stress
Gonna give you 5 top tips to reduce stress, before we do that i will explain why stress is so bad for our health and weight.
Not sure you know this but stress is one of the biggest killers and even CHDs and strokes can be caused by stress.  We are starting to believe that stress is the foundation of most fatalities, think about it.
Obesity which can cause diabetes, heart disease and strokes can be caused directly and in directly by stress.  How can stress keep us fat or make us obese? 
Directly - hormones
Release of the stress hormone cortisol which can stop the fat burning process and hold onto the fat, great for survival of a caveman over the winter months but life threatening for stressed out modern people.  Also when you are stressed you will be most likely be in the sympathetic nervous system which is the flight or fight nervous system when blood is shunted to the limbs ready to run away or fight to survive.  This blood should be in your gut to aid with digestion and fat burning.
Indirectly - eating
So indirectly is more common and more noticeable than the hormonal effects of stress on us, so you are stressed and you go for junk food to make yourself feel better or even worse you starve yourself as you are not hungry.  Both have a very negative effect on your metabolism and keeping fat off in the future.
The medical definition of stress is, “the perception of a real or imagined threat to your body or your ego.” It could be a tiger chasing you or your belief that your spouse is mad at you (even if he or she is not). Whether it is real or imagined, when you perceive something as stressful, it creates the same response in the body.
Years ago stress would be a productive thing for the caveman because it would shunt blood to help a caveman catch his food or escape from a threat or during the winter months it would retain fat to help him survive the winter.  Unfortunately 100,000 generations as a hunter gatherer and 10 generations of modern agriculture our brains haven't developed enough to distinguish actual and perceived threat.
You feel stressed or threatened and a sudden influx of adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones floods your system, raising your heart rate, increasing your blood pressure, making your blood more likely to clot, damaging your brain’s memory centre, increasing fat storage, and generally wreaking havoc on your body.
My tips are as follows and work for myself and my clients
  1. Move. A great way to reduce stress is enjoyable exercise, a bike ride, horse ride, yoga or a nice run in the woods.  Remember though your brain still sees exercise as stress, it is a stress on your body and mind so if the exercise is too tough or competitive it could have the opposite effect.  For myself a nice mountain bike ride through the woods on a hot day de-stresses excellently.
  2. Breathe. Most of us hold our breath often or breathe high in the chest, anxious breaths. Deep, slow, full breaths have a profound affect on resetting the stress response.  Your brain can feel in threat or stress and often some big slow breaths breathing through the diaphragm is the first and quickest way of bringing you back into the correct relaxed nervous system and de stressing and helping you relax or sleep.
  3. Sunshine. This is the life giving rays of the sun, the vitamin D from the sun has been proven to make you feel happy and has been know to treat depression.  I have been using the sun actively for improving my clients self esteem and morale for a long time now, normally a bit of exercise or cycling in the sun.  15 minutes of sun a day is recommended for good health, get some real sun on your skin each time.
  4. Sleep. Lack of sleep increases stress hormones. Get your eight hours no matter what.  Take a nap if you missed your sleep. Prioritise sleep.
  5. Think Differently. Practice the art of noticing stress, noticing how your thinking makes you stressed. Practice taking deep breaths and letting go of worry. Don't let bad people let you get down, ignore what other people think.  Always think positively i actually try and take a positive with everything i do, every time i mess up i think of the benefits.

So to summarise stress is a real big deal and could mean the difference between fat or fit or dead or alive.  I believe that i am the only Personal Trainer in County Durham who thinks of stress as the number one component when working with my clients.  If you would like some more info on what i do please check out the rest of my blogs on here or on my website

07983570574    01913874222

Monday, 14 July 2014

get a great holiday body now

Hey team

get a great holiday body now in durham

Got a great offer for you, as you know its the summer holiday season and evrybody is trying to get that figure to look great around the pool or beach.
I am looking at going away myself and am going to start a fitness regime to look a bit more cut for my summer holidays.  If you are going away and would like to look great in your bikini i could have just the thing for you.

 The holiday hot body program - 1 month personal training package
Between 3 - 5 personal training sessions a week with myself (as many as you can manage up to 5 sessions) possibly even more if NEEDED!!

A tailored nutrition plan with support and a free demo lunch provided

Unlimited gym and class access for the duration

A BodyMap assessment which takes your brain out of threat and helps your body function better with improved flexibility, power and reduced pain

Sports masage therapy as and when required  

Support for 24 hours and 7 days a week

20 hours or more of personalised fitness to ensure optimum RESULTS

"So the plan will get you into a great shape, but not only that it will provide you with the knowledge of keeping yourself in shape for the future"

I can't provide this sort of offer all the time or for a lot of clients as it is very time intensive and super hard work, however i can offer only 5 places only on this program starting before the end of july......

When they are gone they are gone, just imagine the shape you could get in with your own personal trainer on this intense package.

JUST 5 places starting after the 18th of July for JUST £500
This is a big discounted price to help 5 ladies get in great shape before the end of August.

To get in touch:
Phone or text 07983570574
Phone 01913874222
reply to this email
pop into ladies at leisure gym in chester le street and speak to me

These 5 places won't be around long so drop me a line...

For free info on fitness and nutrition chech out my page at

Thursday, 10 July 2014

The life of a unique Personal Trainer

The life of a unique Personal Trainer

Glenn Hill

This blog is all about what i do as a Personal Trainer and coach that, perhaps is a little different to the others you may find.

You can decide.. i am best known for running a ladies gym, hair salon and being a specialist female only personal trainer. Actually my speciality is helping ladies above 30 years old get much fitter, lose some weight but mainly get their heads in a much better place.

I have had a lot of success at this and i put it down to the other stuff i do and the knowledge and experience that gives me.

I have given my PT clients a break for two weeks now, well actually i designed an online training plan and gave them my drop box password which has all my digital classes and challenged them to get fitter even without me.??

As i am away taking soldiers from all walks of life mountain biking down some of the scariest trails Uk has to offer.  So far trails around North Wales and North West Scotland.  The benefit of becoming proficient at something difficult and scary like mountain biking is mainly because the process takes you out of your comfort zone and helps build you up as a person.  It also helps build a sense of team work, self reliance, determination, mental strength, physical strength and fitness.
These attributes can help anyone in any other circumstance including work, thats why big business spends millions sending their workers on team building training.

I am taking a group on a Biking course putting them through their paces and teaching them skills and techniques on arduous terrain.

Today was awesome the group and myself navigated around loch Morlich high on the cairngorm road and cycled up a huge hill to Rothymurchus Lodge(old army lodge high up in the Cairngorms) we then technically descended our way down a steep single track descent called the Lairig Ghru.

These activities all have an element of risk and sometimes someone gets hurt, and yesterday was one of those days.  I have been coaching mountain biking for a number of years now and have never had a student in hospital, that is until yesterday.

The student was a little un-fitter than the remainder of the group and the last descent of the day she took a tumble and injured her hand.  We were not sure if it was broken, i quickly assessed for mobility of wrist and hand it seemed ok which was a positive sign.  So i calmed her down, gave her a sip of water and an energy gel and then put a support sling around her to support and elevate the hand/wrist.  We then evacuated her to the nearest A&E which was Inverness and waited hours watching all the usual druggies and drunks coming in and out.  Eventually she was treated and we found out it was only severe bruising which was great news.

So that's just a couple of my days, the experiences my students  recieve on these epic days are amazing and life changing and it's these experiences and knowledge which i take back to my awesome clients that makes all the difference when it comes to helping them and making what i do a little different.

Hey though...Mountain Biking isn't just for fit soldiers, biking around the woods has become a great method of de stressing and helping with the fitness and morale needs of atleast one of my PT clients. "She loves it now and is much fitter and happier"

Anyhoo i just though i would share a couple of days in the life of a unique Personal trainer.

Glenn(Adventure Coach Personal Trainer) Hill

Losing weight and feeling great in County Durham doesn't come easier than this.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Ladies at leisure open day everyone welcome

Ladies at leisure open day everyone welcome

Our gym on Front Street Chester le Street has changed again for the good.  It's all looking pretty cool now and heres why...

New Hair Salon
New Beauty Salon
Lots more training ideas and challenges for our members
New classes coming including tabata with sue and boxing class

Come along and see what all the fuss is about on the 23rd of July..

We are having half price all day on beauty, hair, massage and loads of prizes and offers from the gym.  Ohhh and free classes and free gym entree on the day.

Top raffle prize of £330 of Personal Training with Glenn Hill

6pm onwards music, food and bubbly and a chance to meet the team and talk fitness, beauty or health.

Its gonna be flippin amazing, please bring all of your friends...if every member brings at least 3 friends that would be awesome.    01913874222

Personal Training at

the rotten apple at the bottom of the barrel

This is about the rotten apple at the bottom of the barrel

So i am a firm believer of being genuine, honest, helpful and caring to my members and PT clients and they would all vouch for me on this statement.  I also dont like to hate as it has a negative effect on me and not them and therefore they have achieved their aim.

Recently some one used a social media review site to spout a load of malicious, hateful lies about me as a person and my gym.

Ofcourse no names here as it wouldn't be fair as she couldn't defend herself.  The hurtful thing here is that personally i have helped her in the past with financial asistance and other business related things again i cant say too much as you would know who i am talking about.

I explained my case on FB again not mentioning names etc for the best word to describe someone who would do this and the answers that came back were interesting... lots i couldn't put on here but here is some:

  • Bitter
  • Pathetic
  • Bumder
  • Jealous
  • Small minded
  • Ignorant
  • Sad lives
  • Hateful
Must mention here that the people who left comments are my friends and clients etc who know me and have my interests at heart, however i agree one hundred percent.

You work VERY hard to be the best you can be for your family, colleagues,clients and members and then some insert your word___________ tries to ruin your reputation by slandering you on social media.

The beauty of this is though i have seen the response from the people that noticed it and it has made the person responsible look very sad and un-professional and done the opposite for me. 

Please come to our open day to see all of our new services and stuff and win some goodies 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

teaching the NHS about health

teaching the NHS about health

teaching the NHS about health

So not sent a blog in a while, this one is about me and my grumpy assistant teaching the health professionals about health.

I have been giving out some freebies again, this time trying to help a great bunch who are a brilliant resource, the NHS.

Nursing staff and other hospital staff are renownded for being over worked and under paid, so i thought it was my duty to help them out.  I thought a free plan with some clever knowledge, some short exercise blasts and a great weight loss nutrition plan all of which can be done at home or in the work place.

My aim was to help people change a unhealthy habit for healthy ones and if they lose some weight in the process then that is great.

So the staff of South Tyneside Hospital have received my chose to lose campaign, done over three different times to ensure i can help as much staff as possible. 

  • Talk about metabolism, after burn and golden hour
  • Indroducing the plan and ourselves
  • Demo fitness session
  • Free nutrition plan
  • Free home exercise plan
  • Free weight loss recipe book
  • Free motivation for weight loss ebook
  • Free metabolism ebook
  • Free alcohol ebook
They weigh and measure themselves at the start of the challenge and at the end.  Ta Da they lose weight, feel great and learn some stuff in the package.

Habits hopefully changed for good.

Glenn (helping the north east get fit)Hill

Check out my page or phone 01913874222