Saturday, 10 May 2014

fat isn't that bad for weight loss

fat isn't that bad for weight loss

eating fat  for weight loss

Heya tribe, i haven't sent out a blog now for over a week so i thought i would tackle fat for you ooooooh fat is bad isn't it? 

I would like to introduce you to one of our macronutrients often prescribed as the bad nutrient to be avoided at all costs which actually we now understand is a key component in healthy living.

What is your first thought when I mention fats? Do you think that eating fat makes you fat and is to be avoided at all costs?  This eBook is designed to help you understand what is good and what is bad when it comes to the dreaded fat.

The big food manufacturers and supermarkets would like you to believe that fat is bad and that you should only eat low fat foods.  In my humble opinion which a lot of exercise types believe you should try and avoid any fat free, low fat diet foods totally as they generally contain lots of fats, sugars and have been altered too much to be of any nutritional value.

There are also some crazy people highlighting the fact that some great foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish are high in fat or calories.  As you will find out later high fat doesn’t mean the food is bad for us, in fact the contrary.
Unfortunately the low fat, diet label hasn’t helped with health in UK or the western world it has done the exact opposite and helped create more sickness, obesity and diabetes.

So there are bad fats and good fats and even our understanding of bad fats has changed in the last couple of years.  The recent shock wave is that not all saturated fats are bad for us and that the cholesterol in food isn’t really linked to the cholesterol in our body as such.

The bad fats including some saturated fats and trans fats are guilty of causing lots of issues with health today and the good fats containing DHA and EPA are linked to good health and improvement of health.

Without good fats in your diet it’s 100% likely that your body and brain will not function at 100%.

Q1    It’s interesting but what are the names for types of fats.

The names we are talking about here are saturated, trans, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and essential fats.  The essential fats are often referred to as omega 3 and omega 6, the lower the omega number the better they are for us and mainly fish have omega 3 and meats omega 6.

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature eg butter, lard, coconut oil and animal fats.  Unsaturated and essential fats are actually oils, therefore liquid at room temperatures and include vegetable oils and olive oil.

Q2 which fats are good and bad.

I am going to explain these fats in a traffic light system with red being the one you shouldn’t eat as often and green being the fats that should be consumed each day.  However even the foods in the red should be eaten sometimes especially the animal fats in meat.

Trans fats and some saturated fats are the harmful ones, which can increase the chance of heart disease, strokes and higher cholesterol.  Even though I said there is only a tenuous link between high cholesterol foods and creating high cholesterol in your body you should still try and avoid the foods that make you really fat as that in itself will raise cholesterol.  Trans fats are hidden and tend to be in processed foods, basically most processed foods shouldn’t be eaten often especially cakes, biscuits, crisps, pies etc.

Trans fats occur to save money as the process of hydrogenation of a fat ensures a longer shelf life of food and therefore a money saver but life killer.  Hydrogenated fats and the foods that contain lots including margarine are unrecognisable in our body and therefore of no nutritional value just harmful.

Most processed foods on the supermarket shelf have trans fats within them and are also referred to on a contents list as partially hydrogenated, hydrogenated fats and should be avoided.

Bad Fats

Saturated fats below should be eaten and perhaps should be in amber or green these days, eat them every now and then and enjoy.  Coconut oil is a saturated fat but contains good cholesterol and is believed to help with health.

High fat cuts of meat
Full fat dairy products
Ice cream

Trans fats should be avoided absolutely

Baked goods including pies, pasties, pizza, cookies, buns
Snacks such as crisps, crackers, biscuits
Margarine and spreads
Fried foods including fries, chips, fish and kfc

So the red light means avoid and limit in some cases and the amber is mainly limit with a few exceptions.  Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are classed as good fats however you should still just have as much as you need and not have loads in your diet (less nuts, fish and seeds enjoy these new studies suggest)

Here are some sources

Monounsaturated Fats

Olive oil
Almond oil
Rice oil
Rapeseed oil
Seed and nut oil
Avocados (enjoy)
Olives (enjoy)
Nuts (enjoy)

Polyunsaturated Fats

Sunflower oil
Corn oil
Sesame oil
Flaxseed oil
Seeds (have as much as you like)
Fatty fish ( have as much as you like

Fish, nuts and seeds should make up a percentage of each persons food to ensure good health.  I understand that nuts and seeds are not very appetising when you first start eating them however like all new things they do grow on you.

A method of helping yourself eating lots of these pretty good fats is use things like coconut oil to cook with, also great for clean teeth and skin.  Check out oil pulling online.

Dress your own salads

Snack on nuts and seeds, this does take some practise

As you will notice lots of foods here you may have seen in other categories and that is just the way nature is.  The foods in listed below as I have eluded to before are ones you can eat often and need to be eaten as they contain essential oils omega 3 and omega 6.

Omega 6 – essential oil

Olive oil
Evening primrose
Flaxseed oil
Nuts, almonds, macadamia, cashew, hazelnut, walnut

Omega 3 - essential oil

Flaxseed oil
Walnuts, brazil nuts
Fatty fish
Rapeseed and canola oil

Hopefully pretty simple so far just eat more form the green than amber, more from amber than red and try and avoid most of the red fats.

Essential oil / fats

When it comes to food types, proteins, macronutrients and micronutrients if the food stuff is essential this means your body needs it for correct function.  Either your body doesn’t make enough or any and requires it for normal bodily functions.  Unlike nearly all fats essential fats are not used for fuel and therefore cannot make you fat.

 Eat fish, nuts, seeds and stuff from the green light and it will go a long way to keeping you fit.

For the best source of omega 3 check out KRILL OIL its the next big thing.

Anyhoo good luck with your training and  nutrition

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