Friday, 27 December 2013

weight loss training top tip-chester le street

weight loss training top tip-chester le street

Ladies it will soon be the new year and you will be making your pilgrimage to undo the christmas excesses.  So below i have outlined the topest top tip and something to ensure you wont hit the plateau this time.
The thing i am trying to help you avoid is adaptation (your body getting used to the stresses you are putting on it and having a small metabolic or reduced calorie burning effect). After 3 or 4 weeks for an average person your body has adapted and then your achievements are tiny.
So change your training ladies every single 3 or 4 weeks and then you can have unlimited gains.
Try this when you start back up, its called conjugated training and its basically mixing up your training.  Forget slow cardio for the time being, max effort strength occasionally, dynamic effort-power and  work capacity-repetition.

max effort
Try lots of sets of heavier weights, 1-3 reps for above 7-8 sets.  Try and do every muscle in one session, now the weights need to be a lot heavier so it will feel weird. This sort of training has a much bigger effect on your neural system and therefore needs plenty of rest after. Must be heavy, physically not able to do more than 3.

Dynamic effort training
Speed training, plyometrics and olympic lifting, all of this training which has the biggest effect on our body should'nt be undertaken more than once a week as it takes longer to recover than other types.  Plyometrics is jumping, bounding and explosive power, you can do an effective plyometric circuit using the boxes in the gym.  For speed training this should be around the 95% of effort for short periods, now 3 or 400 metre bursts are awesome for fat loss, the track or outside is always better than treadmill.

Repetition method-increasing hypertrophy
This is your generic weight lifting or what we prescribe to our members, working certain muscle groups in order to achieve muscle growth and a faster metabolism/fat burning.  Hypertrophy is between 8-12 reps and around 2-4 sets depending on how used to this training you are, ensure you fail on the last repetition.

To summarise all this stuff, mix up all of this training and remember that the more joints active on any exercise means more growth and better functioning muscle and joint.  Dont bother with slow cardio, it has been proven that past 60 minutes the mitochondrial cytochrome production(aerobic energy production) stops, therefore dont waste time and literally energy with long slow cardio-unless you just love it.

hope you enjoyed my tips-this stuff works.
weight loss chester le street

Check out my pages for weight loss

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