Friday, 19 September 2014

3 top tips for insane fitness

3 top tips for insane fitness-Health

So in this blog i would like to pass on three top tips that keep me ahead of the game and keep my clients getting amazing results.
Its so simple you will be kicking your self, it's how i train and how most athletes train too.


It really is the key, without constantly varied movements your body adapts to the exercise/load which leads to reduced calorie expenditure, fat burning and muscle growth.  As an example when you first jump on the treadmill and jog/walk for an hour you burn for example 400 calories, a month later half and six months later perhaps a quarter.
You can think of this for any exercise, your first Metafit class and you literrally cannot walk for three or four days.  Six months down the line and you are not sore even the next day? what do you think is happening here?  lots of calories used for repair of tissues....NOPE.

An exercise is only GREAT when your brain and muscles (neuro muscular) is trying to learn and master the exercise.
Simply try and do something different every time you train, its easy because you can change the load, the exercise, the intensity, the order, the duration, the time of day etc.

Just imagine there is a tombola with every exercise, think of the exercise you hate the most.  You are probably crap at it, right?  start with this exercise until you are less crap and then the next crappest one until all of your weakness become strengths.


No one achieves anything easily and exercise is exactly the same, it always has been.  Therefore how much you sweat, breath hard, ache and feel sick directly correlates to the results you are going to get.  Simples right, if you are on the stepper or bike and can read a magazine you will only ever be averagely fit with an average physique(FACT).

If you would like the body of an athlete you MUST train like one.
Interval training (fast and slow) or going as fast as you can for as long as you can both offer results. The harder you can train provides you with the biggest after burn (excess post oxygen consumption) for up to a few days if you really go flat out.  Like up toward 100% effort in intervals or time and constantly mixing up exercise (refer to tip one).

There are lots of ways of doing this, however a good rule of thumb is you shouldn't be able to read, talk or even breath properly during and you should finish the workout a sweaty mess, out of breath and feeling a bit sick.
Its a fair trade looking like a mess during your workout to looking and feeling like a god/goddess for the rest of your life.

(3) Nutrition
The most important part of the equation, still true today that you cannot out train a bad diet and i should know i tried for 15 years.  There are litterally hundreds of different methods of dieting and weight loss. 
Please firstly avoid diet clubs unless you must go for your sanity and social life.  Even more importantly avoid these god awful multi level marketing products such as Herbalife, Body by Vi, Juice plus etc etc not only has the person selling got a vested interest in selling them to you (money making) he/she generally knows nothing about nutrition. More importantly you do not need them and eventually with education even these Salesmen will agree.

You see we have been developing nicely as a species for 10,000 generations being a hunter gatherer and more recently say 10 generations of agriculture and modern farming methods.  When during this time frame have we became unwell and infirm, yes recently.

Without boring you too much, modern food manufacture is all about profits and making food last as long as possible.  This process has changed our food from what our body is able to use efficiently to some weird food hybrid. 
Safest would be to eat only organic, less chemicals, toxins and acids however it is so tough and expensive.

A modern sollution would be to eat clean and a bit like our descendants, not suggesting here that you only eat the exact food a caveman would.  
But think about this "what made us human can keep us human".  The next paragraph is a simple method of eating well to ensure health and longevity.

Eat meat, fish and green veg all of the time eat lots of nuts and salad. Eat some fruit and very little processed, packaged foods including refined carbs. No sugar.
Read into the underlining, its very important. ...All of the time, Lots, Eat some, Very little and No sugar.

Three simple tips here, follow tip three and you  will feel better and healthier. Follow all three and you will be very fit and very healthy.
I have laid it out and it's time for you all to play it out.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Crossfit County Durham

Crossfit County Durham - Personal Trainer attends level 1 Crossfit Trainer course not prepared...

Hi folks in true Ex Army/Glenn Hill style i attended the level 1 Crossfit trainer course over the weekend with absolutely no idea about Crossfit.....MENTAL

This is typical me and just to expand...... other Glenn Hill moments were running the Biel 100km race twice without training (no i never learnt the first time), attending the Army Physical Training Instructor course and Army Diver (frogman) course without training.  Berlin Marathon, German duathlons, biathlons and 320 mile charity bike ride without training.

So you get the idea, i just rely on the fact that the human body is tough and you can pick things up along the way. (i am not suggesting other people copy this though lol)

So i digress, i was very interested in Crossfit (the sport of fitness) and without knowing much about it or even attending a workout or Ramp (a preparation course you are supposed to attend prior to completing a workout) i booked myself on the level 1 trainer course in Manchester.

I fully intended on attending the preparation ramp and a few classes before my course but work and staff shortages ensured that never happened.

I turned up and soon figured out that the other 40/50 course members had all been doing Crossfit for months or years and knew what was going on.  However i said nothing and cracked on, actually no one realised that i was an absolute novice.  I was picking things up quicker than some and holding my own.  I told a couple of the other students that the course was great and i liked the whole Crossfit thing and explained that it was my first ever taste.

Well end of Day 1 and the instructional staff who where excellent had been told that i was an absolute novice and thought it was hilarious.  The weekend was great and i am loving Crossfit and hope to be smashing loads of it soon.

Morale of the story here is confidence and a base level of fitness can go a long long way in preparing you for anything.  Actually it's all about what's going on in our heads if we think we can do it we generally can.  If we think we can't then we definitely can't.

Crossfit is constantly varied high intensity functional movements combining gymnastics, Olympic power lifting and cardio.

Crossfit Level 1 Manchester
(Front Row third from right)

Personal Trainer Glenn Hill / County Durham

For advice or coaching on health, fitness or functional training call 07983570574

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Personal Trainer of the year 2014

Personal Trainer of the year 2014

Glenn Hill, Personal Trainer working in County Durham has just been shortlisted as Personal Trainer of the year 2014. 

Now it's just a short list so i have not won any thing yet but it's just a good accolade and if in November i win, it would be a great pat on the back for all of my hard work and courses attended.

I specialise in helping professional ladies over thirty years of age changing their lives.  I do train some men too, but the fact that i have a ladies gym helps with my female training.

My recent courses and acheivements to ensure i provide the best for my clients are:

Metafit course
Metafit Strong course
Crossfit course
BodyMap practicioner course (Dax Moy)
Dax Moy/Paul Mort mastermind course
Premier nutrition course
Team building for companies for the British Army
Free weight loss campaign for NHS choose
Mountain bike coaching and development for the Army

Also Ladies at Leisure gym has been shortlisted for ladies gym of the year 2014....

Glenn (wish us good luck) Hill

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

ladies gym membership offer-personal trainer chester le street

ladies gym membership offer-personal trainer chester le street

ladies gym membership offer-personal trainer chester le street

ladies gym membership offer-personal trainer chester le street

ladies gym membership offer-personal trainer chester le street

ladies gym membership offer-personal trainer chester le street

Holiday full body workout-Personal Trainer Chester le Street/Gateshead

County Durham Personal Training Clients

County Durham Personal Training Clients

Just want to gush a little about my amazing clients.

As most people reading this post will already know i am a Personal Trainer?
A more accurate description would be.............. life coach, friend, cook, mountain bike coach, event organiser, nutrition assistant, councillor, exercise motivator and advisor.

You see each and every client is different and each clients needs are totally unique, if being a Personal Trainer just meant setting exercise it wouldn't be for me.

I have a number of very successful clients who are amazing in their own right and my job is to help them to become more awesome.  Sometimes they just need to see just how flippin amazing they are which in turn can set them free and help them achieve whatever they fancy.

90% of time fitness and nutrition isn't the thing that is the issue, there is something else.  Often stress or an individual feeling threatened in their life is stopping them unleashing their true potential.  Believe me just giving someone a chest press drop set does not help, its much more than that.

You have to try and display a sensory awareness to read your clients and get the most out of them each session and ensure they leave a little better than before each time.

This is what i do and i am proud to say that the ladies and men in my tribe are all developing amazingly with improved confidence, increased self esteem, feeling safer as a person, changing to more positive habits, expanding health, more motivation, a better understanding of food, a better self awareness and last but not least fitter, healthier and thinner.

No names here...but you know who you are, well done tribe and keep up the amazing work.

Glenn (proud of his tribe) Hill

If you are a professional women are man who would like a little help get in touch