Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Personal Trainer of the year 2014

Personal Trainer of the year 2014

Glenn Hill, Personal Trainer working in County Durham has just been shortlisted as Personal Trainer of the year 2014. 

Now it's just a short list so i have not won any thing yet but it's just a good accolade and if in November i win, it would be a great pat on the back for all of my hard work and courses attended.

I specialise in helping professional ladies over thirty years of age changing their lives.  I do train some men too, but the fact that i have a ladies gym helps with my female training.

My recent courses and acheivements to ensure i provide the best for my clients are:

Metafit course
Metafit Strong course
Crossfit course
BodyMap practicioner course (Dax Moy)
Dax Moy/Paul Mort mastermind course
Premier nutrition course
Team building for companies for the British Army
Free weight loss campaign for NHS choose
Mountain bike coaching and development for the Army

Also Ladies at Leisure gym has been shortlisted for ladies gym of the year 2014....

Glenn (wish us good luck) Hill

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