Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Paratrooper Sports Massage Chester Le Street

Personal Trainer Durham | Sports Massage in Chester Le Street

Personal Trainer and ex soldier Glenn Hill is now offering Sports Massage in Chester le Street and County Durham.
This was back when I was sat at RAF Brize Norton waiting to complete one more Army Parachute Jump in order to be able to wear Army wings and call myself a PARA or Airborne...

My god my back was killing me, you see its like this, a good landing using a military parachute is like falling off a push bike and a bad landing is like being in a 40mph car crash ooooshhh.

Just thinking i could really use a good sports massage to get my muscles and bones working together again.

Something you may not know here is that i am a fully qualified Sports Masage Therapist, however initially i wanted to concentrate on the gym and my Personal Training.

Gym and PT are now going well, ahem shortlisted again Gym Based Personal Trainer at the National Fitness Awards.  I have decided to again start providing Sports and relaxation massages within the Bannatynes and other locations.

Infact i have never really stopped, because in the last few months i have helped repair 12 lower back issues (so PT clients and Gym members who where in real pain with their lower backs fixed in minutes using my expertise) and a few lower leg issues.


tired, run down, nor performing well at your chosen sport, aching,limited movement or function, suffering muscular pain, problems relaxing, injured or recovering from an injury?


SO JUST £15 for an hour or £10 for 30 minutes


As most of you know i am a busy respected Personal Trainer and BodyMap practitioner so please get intouch early to guarantee a spot.

which is which:


helps improve muscular and body function and performance, removes pain and helps recovery speed of injuries and helps maintain a healthy happy body.  Generally a long course with lots of anatomy and physiology.


Can help with relaxation, improving blood flow, function and energy levels.  There are lots of beauty massage therapists who offer sports massage but are not qualified.

In the next couple of weeks book up by texting or calling   07983570574.

or email i.trainhard@yahoo.co.uk

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Being nervous at work is ruining your job-PT Durham

Personal Trainer Durham | Is your nervous system effecting your work | 07983570574

Coach Glenn talks about how your nervous system can be ruining your life by ruining your job, this is a long one but worth a read i think.
Firstly what is the Nervous  System?

Our nervous system has two separate parts.

The Voluntary and the Autonomic System.

The Voluntary systemThis is involved and enables movement and sensation.  When we lift our hand up it's the voluntary nervous system coming into action and lots of nerves (motor and sensory nerves amongst others) are moving.

The Autonomic System  - this is the one that messes you upThis controls areas which we have little and sometimes no control over.  These include heart rate, digestion of food, blood pressure, etc.  Basically our nerves leave the spine to connect to our major organs and glands.  The nerves either stimulate or inhibit them.

Think of this as the oldest part of your brain which we share with less inteligent creatures who just want to eat and have sex , not soldiers cheeky i am talking about  crocodiles and such like.  This part of our brain is sometimes referred to as our lizard or reptilian brain.  


  • Sympathetic - too much time in this system is very unhealthy and inevitably what i spend most of my time dealing with when i train my clients.
  • Parasympathetic - rest, digest and rebuild...gooooood
The sympathetic nervous system sounds like it has a calming influence, but in fact it’s the complete opposite.  The sympathetic helps to prepare the body to defend itself by activating glands and organs. This is called the Fight or Flight response.  More appropriately fight, flight, freeze, food and fornicate.

I want you to read the next paragraph and think about a normal day at the office, potentially you are having dramas with a work colleague or boss does this sound like you?

Nerves send more blood to the muscles and the brain.  The heart rate and blood pressure increase, whilst blood flow to non-essential organs and the digestive system decreases.  When you’re experiencing a Panic Attack or high anxiety this is basically what’s happening.  The thyroid and adrenal glands are activated to provide energy to run or fight.  That’s we you may feel your heartbeat, your mouth goes dry, difficulty in swallowing, etc.  Stress, panic and nervousness is what you feel when the sympathetic nervous system ‘kicks in’.

If the sympathetic nervous system is constantly being activated it is not good for our bodies.  The body’s energy should be used to provide nourishment, repair the body, elimination of waste.  But if most of our energy is being used to prepare us to fight or run we start to feel run down.

The adrenaline rush of a panic attack is always followed by a feeling of being tired and irritable as the body is depleted of resources, so doesnt this sound like a normal day at the office?

There is an answer to this ……………..

The parasympathetic nervous system

This is concerned with healing, nourishing and regeneration of the body.  Its nerves stimulate the immune system, digestion and organs that promote wellbeing.

The parasympathetic nervous system can be activated by relaxation, rest and happy/positive thoughts.  This is promoted by a balanced life and looking after oneself.  If you can do this, it will promote your body to heal itself.

If you can activate the parasympathetic state as much as possible its helps to heal ill heath, both mental and physical.

At certain parts of the day or after a hard day’s work you may feel fatigued or lethargic.  This is not something you should fight or believe is unhealthy.  Rather, it indicates a state of rebuilding and repair in progress.

So i said at the start of this your sympathetic nervous system is affecting your work, for a LOT of people it is very negatively.

Read on......

At the office you may be always thinking about what other people are thinking? or is your job safe? will you be able to keep a roof over your head?  does your boss think you are a liability? will your partner stay with you if you became unemployed? will you have enough money to feed and house you and your family? and lots of other concerns.

Because as a species we beleive that we need warmth, shelter,family and food to survive if we are concerned over any of them WE PHYSICALLY CANNOT help spending too much time in the wrong nervous system.  Because we feel threatened and our sympathetic nervous system is running the show our modern conscious thinking brain doesn't FUNCTION very well if at all.

This is why around your boss who you believe hates and doesn't respect you, you always seem to be messing up.  Or if someone thinks you are bad at your job, around them you are.......

Or when going out on a date and meeting someone new you are really clumsy and can't think straight.

Lizard brain in command (nervous system) then concious brain or frontal lobe follows.

Righty Ho

Its' not all doom and gloom though, it is difficult to change how we feel at work or around our boss but not impossible.  I am not going to give you all the answers here but i will give you a project which could have a profound effect on your work, life and nervous system.

Also there are some great tips and tricks to pop you straight back into the healthier nervous system (try deep slow breathing it's amazing and can magically improve function and remove pain too).

"The Project - you have nothing to lose, please make this your job this month"

Does your boss hate and under appreciate you?

Is it all in your head?

Does your boss have communication issues?

Spend the next month asking your Boss, Bosses as many questions as you can in order to find out everything you can about them.  Use every oportunity to find out about families, hobbies, likes, dislikes and anything else you can.

At worste you have built some rapport wich will improve your working environment and nervous system(LIFE).

At Best you will learn a lot about your boss, find out why he/she is acting the way they do and potentially understand and help them.  Learn a lot about yourself, build confidence and self esteem.  Start to remove the threat (your boss) negatively effecting your nervous system and start slowly feeling more relaxed and comfortable which inevitably puts your lizard brain into the correct nervous system which will help you live a longer healthier, happier life.

The above tip has been used and designed by some of the best business brains and NLP (neuro linguistic programing)gurus around so give it a go.

If you would like any help or advice with fitness, health or stress please just ask.

Glenn(loves talking about stress and the nervous system) Hill

Thursday, 2 October 2014

five tips on dealing with stress - Personal Trainer Durham

How long can you hold your plank for? Durham PT

Personal Trainer Durham | Glenn Hill | 07983570574

How long can you hold your plank for? Durham PT

Most of you at home could probably hold your plank for 30 seconds to perhaps even 3 minutes.  Mae Weidongs just held a plank for 4 hours and 26 minutes smashing the previous world record.

This is cool, but why is it important for me? this blog is about results ... or lack of them.  Its all about adapting to the exercise please read on...

This is why you train a lot and stay the same or similar shape.

If you spend hours on the treadmill or any machine, this blog is for YOU.

You see this is how it all works, when Mae started doing planks he would of immediately got a little stronger with neuro adaptation.  His brain working out whats going on and just allowing for a little more strength and endurance.

Later on his brain and body start working hard together to enable the work load and technique to conduct the function, this is the time when we see results.  More muscle action, more signalling and greater EPOC or after burn( more calories used and greater visual physical results). 

Early on Mae would have probably been experiencing muscle failure in single figures of minutes and seeing great results, within months Mae could go on for longer and longer without his core muscles failing.

After LOTS and LOTS of plank holding he managed to last over 4 hours before failing (so basically he lasted over four hours before he had a GOOD abdominal workout.

To increase our metabolism (greater fat burning) we should increase our muscle.  To increase our muscle we should be performing multi joint compound exercises done at varying intensities and speeds to FAILURE.

If we look at Mae he can probably hold a plank for two hours and burn hardly ANY calories due his body adapting to the load, muscle firing rates, synchronisation, opposing muscles working together (basically autonomous technique).  Holding a plank is probably as easy as walking for him.

Now then, if you are on the hamsters wheel (treadmill or any cardio machine) for hours or have been doing the same workout for months or years the same thing is happening to you...  hardly any effect in relation to calorie expenditure.


If you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same results!!

Follow my simple plan for RESULTS YEHHH

  1. Adaptation hates variation, vary your exercises, loads, techniques, speeds, intervals always.
  2. If we are learning a new technique our bodies and brains are working hard to catch up and it takes a lot out of us.  Around this time our muscles are exploding and we are burning calories like they are going out of fashion.  Think of the exercise you hate the most and do it until its proficient then your next most hated exercise and so on.  YOU WILL HAVE INSANE RESULTS.
  3. Do things that can be related to life PULL, PUSH, DRAG, CLIMB, THROW, CRAWL its what our joints like and it will keep you young and strong.  Functional training doing varied exercises is great fun too.
  4. High intensity and hard work, if you are not puffing, panting and sweating then in my eyes you are not exercising.  Forget about being lady like, if you want RESULTS then train like a cave man or woman.
  5. Avoid things with ingredients lists on them, diet products, weight loss products, fat or sugar free products.  Eat meat and fish and green veg often, eat some fruit and avoid processed foods.  Drink lots of water.


Please follow my advice or phone 07983570574 or pop in for a chat

Glenn (shortlisted as Personal Trainer of the Year) Hill

National Fitness Awards 2014